Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
In pursuit of continuous commitment towards environment, PG practices 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), a global concept concerning environmental issue.
In pursuit of continuous commitment towards environment, PG practices 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), a global concept concerning environmental issue.
In pursuit of continuous commitment towards environment, PG practices 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle), a global concept concerning environmental issue.
PG ensures an increase in the ratio of recyclable materials, further reusing of raw materials and manufacturing wastes, and overall reduction in resources and energy use though following ways.
PRDF (Panna Rural Development Foundation)
In order to empower its customer, PG established Panna Rural Development Foundation (PRDF) in 2010 which provides sustainable energy and services to the rural households and business.
PRDF provides entire consumer solutions including product, service & consumer financing though micro credit & cash purchase.
Donation in Prime minister relief fund
PG believes to stand by the people of Bangladesh as part of its commitment towards society. After the tragic incident of Rana Plaza, PG donated to the Prime Minister Relief fund on 7th may, 2013.